Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10, KJV)
I heard one of my mentors, Bishop David Oyedepo in his message “Preparing for marriage” say, “its not money you need but sense.” There is a popular adage that says “sense na money” which indeed is true. Often times people cry, reminding God that they pay their tithes as though God doesn’t know and they go ahead to say God “MUST” give them money when indeed all they need to ask for is sense. When you have sense you use it to make money and when you have money you need sense to spend it, so either ways what you really need is sense. In actual fact both you and your tithe belongs to God, so the 10% fraction you give to Him is just part of His property in your possession you’re returning to Him to utilise again to work in your favour. If you read the above passage closely, you’ll discover the passage did not say “blessings” but “a blessing.” SINGULAR! It is that one blessing that will multiply and yield multiple fruits such that your barns can not contain them. I pray for you, as you step out into this week, the sense to break through and the courage to make your move, receive NOW in Jesus name! The Lord will give you that which money can not buy and at the end you will praise Him because whether you like it or not, things must get better for you! It is well with you. Trust you’re fine.