“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. (Matthew 5:14, KJV)
To light means to shine or illuminate so shine so those who are passing by can see where they are going.
John 1:5 says when light shines in darkness, darkness will run away.
Now the scripture passage says you are the light, which means we are to shine so others who are still in darkness can see where they are going. And we know that light dispels darkness, which means we are suppose to dispel the darkness around us so that those who are still in darkness can see and thus come out of the dark.
Being a light can mean two things:
1. That whenever we enter a place, every power of darkness there should be expelled.
2. That we are to be examples to others in all ramifications.
If the above is true, then why does the scripture say in Matthew 5:16;
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.”
It means that we have a choice to either be light or decide to turn off our lights. We know that to light up a bulb, we need a power switch. So it is with us, we are expected to power our lights with God’s Word daily; Joshua 1:8. And refuse you compromise no matter what.
The general idea is, we can “decide to shine or not” and if indeed we are lights, then we are expected to shine; 1 John 1:7.
I pray that as you go about your day today, having come to the realisation that you are a light, may your light shine brighter in Jesus name!
It is well with you!
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