There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many? (John 6:9, KJV)
The biblical account of the multiplication in the above passage does not end with the miracle Jesus did. Often times we limit the passage to the miracle of 5 loaves and 2 fishes used by Jesus to feed the multitude, not knowing it also emphasises the place of preparation.
Verse 2 of the same chapter says the multitude followed Jesus because they saw the miracles He did by healing those that were plagued with diseases; they were only concerned with the miracles!
There is an adage that says “success is when opportunity meets preparation”. But within the multitude only a lad; a little boy came prepared to hear the Master. So it is today, go to prayer meetings, you will see multitude gathered to pray for miracles but only a very few really prepares themselves to received from God.
What you do not expect, you are not permitted to receive – Bishop David Oyedepo.
In a multitude of over 10,000 people, because the bible says only the men were 5,000; verse 10. Adding the women and children, we are sure to have over 10,000 people, yet in this great multitude only a little boy came prepared with his own meal because he did not want to miss his appointed time.
He didn’t want to miss his word when running about to get food so he settled down with his own meal and indeed because he came prepared, the Lord used his meal to perform the great miracle of multiplication.
When preparation meets opportunity miracles happen, and because the lad came prepared and the opportunity came for Christ to feed the multitude, the great miracle was done.
Dear friends, are you really prepared to receive from God? Or do you only pray and forget the place of preparation?
Wait in the place of preparation while you pray, and when the opportunity comes, indeed your miracle will not only emerge but it shall be resounding, in Jesus Name!
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