For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. (1 Peter 3:12, KJV)
Some challenges we go through sometimes leaves us asking some questions that we really cannot give answers to.
How can we explain someone who is faithful to God and His services and prays for promotion at work but gets a sack letter for no reason?
How can you also explain a woman who has trusted God for decades for her own child and upon conception, have a miscarriage?
There are a million and one mind troubling questions we cannot answer but the truth remains that in the midst of it all God remains there, even though He does not speak.
Job who was a man of Faith and praised God in his troubled days got to a point where he cried out in despair; Job 3.
And in chapter 42 and verse 5 he had an encounter with God and he said;
“I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.”
There is nothing we go through today that God is blind to, He sees it all but one major mistake we make in this generation of “air condition Christianity” is that we expect everything to come in handy and rosy, forgetting that the Christian race is a battle.
Even Jesus cried at a time cried out that the Father had forsaken Him.
If God says He will not leave not forsake us, why does He stay silent when we need Him most?
The truth remains that within all our battles God still makes perfect sense when things do not make sense because He knows best.
I am sure Daniel, when being taken to the den of lions must have wondered what God was doing.
As a matter of fact, I believe God stays silent to teach us never to trust in our sense knowledge.
Faith in God is letting go of our wisdom for God’s foolishness, if there is any at all, because even His foolishness is wiser than all the wisdom of men put together.
So remember henceforth, that no matter what happens, God still and will always make PERFECT SENSE!
It is well with you! BB pin: 2A16570F Twitter: @abolojesamson Facebook: Samson Aboloje