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Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD. (Jeremiah 17:5, KJV)

I once had a little chat with a dear friend on some of life’s issues and she downloaded how terribly she has been hurt just by trusting someone. And ended up saying God allowed all she went through so she can learn never to trust man but Him alone; absolutely.

Dear friends, I don’t know how much you’ve been hurt for trusting someone but you can trust God.

There are times in life when we are assured by close friends, family or colleagues, and even brethren but end up being disappointed, because that’s what they are; human beings. They’re limited by nature.

God is infinite and inexhaustible and has the total ability to supply you beyond your widest dreams and wants you to turn to Him for supplies because He knows man is full of disappointments.

What do you really need? Turn to God! He is much more than able to give you your heart desires in line with His will for you. Turn to Him today!

It is well with you.

God bless you. BBpin: 2A16570F Facebook: Samson Aboloje

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