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The youth and the world around us

Discussing the role of the youth in this age encompasses a whole lot, so we will be looking specifically at the Christian youth in the 21st century.

Being a Christian youth in this dispensation is practically becoming impossible, as circularity has become the new way of life and it is still eating deep into the system.

According to Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus, a youth is a young person. Someone who is energetic and filled with vigour.

Biblical definition of a youth

A youth is a young person. A youth is a strong person. The word of God abides in a youth and a youth is an overcomer. – 1 John 2:14 A youth is a follower of God – Ephesians 5:1-2 A youth invests his/her energy in the things of God – Ecclesiastes 12:1 A youth is a humble person – Matthew 18:4 A youth is a worker in th house of God and a youth must evangelise Christ to save lost souls – Matthew 9:37-38

What is the world?

The world according to Webster’s dictionary and Thesaurus, the world is the earth and its inhabitants. Worldly: Relating to the world: engrossed in temporal pursuits; earthly, mundane; carnal and not spiritual.

It is noteworthy to state here that the world today has lost its way from the divine purpose of creation. The word of God says in John 1:3 that the world was made for Him and by Him. In other words, man was created to serve God and not to live a life that negates God’s will.

Biblical definition of the world

The world is cursed (Woe unto the world… Matthew 18:7) For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the – 1 John 2:16 And these are all we see around today. Man want to please the flesh rather than God. We want to please ourselves the much we can by going against the commandments of God. It is a common trend today that most youth want to satisfy the deeds of the flesh, possess material gains at all cost and then see every other person as irrelevant, even at the expense of their soul, not minding the consequences.

What is lust?

Uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite. Lust of the flesh is the uncontrolled desire to please the flesh. Lust of the eyes, the uncontrolled desire to please the eyes and the pride of life; highly gratifying one’s self or magnifying one’s self above others – Galatians 5:17,19-21. It is a known fact that sexual promiscuity has become the norm today and abortion or unwanted pregnancy being the end result. The word of God says we should mortify the deeds, Romans 8:13 that we may live, but these days the youths prefers to live as subjects to the flesh in other to gratify their flesh.

The role of the youth

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth – Ecclesiastes 12:1. What this means is that, for a youth to actively play his/her role, he/she must first remember God.

How can a youth remember God?

He/she must first agree with God – Amos 3:3 Secondly, he/she must be born again – John 3:3. When we become born again, it means agreeing with God to stop working in flesh – 1 Corinthians 6:17-20. The Christian youth in the 21st century is saddled with the responsibility to go all out into the dying world with the gospel of peace, to save souls from perishing.

Blessings of obedience:

There are loads of blessings attached to being obedient to the word of God. Not only will God protect the youth who is obedient and diligently returns to Him, He will also bless them – John 17:15-17, Job 22:-21-25.

Consequences of disobedience:

There are also consequences for being disobedient to the word of God. The word of God is a command and every erring youth that disobeys will account for all they have done – Ecclesiastes 11:9, 12:14. God will destroy whoever disobeys Him – 1 Corinthians 3:16-17


Every obedient youth will become God’s friend and whatever he asks from God will he receive – John 15:15-16 He will be empowered – Acts 1:8 He must bear witness – Matthew 28:19 The word of God summarizes it all in the book of Ecclesiastes 12:13; Let us hear the conclusion of the matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of a man.

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