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“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” -Amos 3:3

Quite a number of “marriage- age” people may be familiar with this line: “God said you are my…”

Well, while God may reveal a future partner if He wills, He does not force wives or husbands on people. One of the greatest gifts He gave to man is the gift of choice. This means that He has given you the right to choose your spouse out of your findings (Proverbs 18:22). So, don’t be deceived or deceive others with this phrase.

I have heard humorously said that after God gave the first man, Adam, a woman whom he chose to be his wife but later on blamed God for after the fall (Genesis 3:12), God stopped bringing only one choice for a spouse, per individual.

Now, it is, “Whoso findeth…” Each one shall find his or her own and stick to his or her choice. However, your choice should be based on facts, which should be formed from the person’s spirituality, personality, style and your preferences.

You shouldn’t base your decision on dreams, because it can be bogus. You should also not wait for a voice as you might begin hearing yourself speak. You must gather facts about the intended person, and this comes with knowing who you are, what you want and what suits you best.

The choice is not only left to the man alone, but the woman must also decide on whose proposal she’d accept. Walking the right path of marriage can be very stress-free and colourful, if you give it a right approach. Gather facts and you will be less confused in making choices. With the information gathered, you would know if he or she walks in line with your God-given vision or not. You shall not fall victim to marital errors in the name of Jesus Christ!

Remain Blessed!

Pastor (Mrs) Faith Oyedepo

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