“Enter ye in at the strait gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14, KJV)
The passages above talks about two gates leading to two different destinations. It also went further to tell us the different features of the two roads. 1. The broad road: It looks good and as a matter of fact, one can do a 220km/h drive on it because it presents itself as a broad and easy to drive through, smooth and dump free road. It says it is the shortcut to a glorious end because it comes with lots of goodies with it. It is a road with no rules, no guidance; just do what you want as everything goes. It is broad enough to accommodate as many people who wants to go through it, as such people think it is the right path and thus go through it doing a 220km/h drive and end up in a dish eventually. Funny enough the road does not have any sign showing there is a dead end so once one falls into the dish, that’s the end; no return.
2. The narrow road on the other hand is crooked, steep, rough and very narrow. Where one is not allowed to do somethings one wants to do. This road is also able to take as many people, but because of the narrowness, rigours and potholes that one has to go through, only a few decides to go through it. There are major obstacles on this road but sign posts to help passers of it go through safely.
Unlike the broad road that offers luxury from the beginning and a death trap at the end, the narrow road is very rough and unfriendly from its beginning but at the end, there are loads of rewards, benefits and gifts for passing through it.
These roads are a representation of our lives and the paths we choose to go through today. Some want luxury and do not want to go through the rough path of salvation, even at the expense of their souls. While some know that the true way to a glorious end is through the rough road. The rough road has only but one Captain; Jesus Christ and one Helper; the Holy Spirit to help us go safely through it even with the obstacles on the way!
Choose to go through the narrow road today by accepting Jesus Christ into your life, and at the end we shall all sing halleluyah into God!
It is well with you.
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