And saith unto them, Go your way into the village over against you: and as soon as ye be entered into it, ye shall find a colt tied, whereon never man sat; loose him, and bring him. (Mark 11:2, KJV)
The passage above, reading from verse 1 to 9 paints a real life picture of how some people have been caged by the enemies, and a lot of these captives do not know they are captives. Some know they are but have done nothing and will do nothing to change their situation, while some have resigned to fate; whatever happens, I’ll keep living.
I would like to define certain words used in the above passage so we can have a clear picture of what the passage is saying.
VILLAGE: Is a community smaller than a town, often situated in a rural area.
AGAINST: Means to be in opposition or contrary to something.
Village can also mean “root”.
In a typical traditional African setting, we know villages are synonymous to evil.
From the above definitions, we can say there are forces in contention with people from their roots .
Rephrasing what Jesus said in the passage above, there are people who are suppose to be in their Promise Land, to be used of God but are tied down in their villages. And He said “Go your way into the village over against you” meaning to fight your way through, but many are so incapacitated that they can not even move a muscle. And until they get up and fight, the enemies will prevail.
I know a guy, who by the unction of the Holy Spirit we were able to trace certain things in his lineage which he openly agreed to. We led him to Christ and asked him to fast and then come for prayers but that was it, he never came back yet he sends me messages wanting help.
Jesus expects us to fight through certain situations in life, and I pray as you go against every force contending with you from your root, He will deliver you in Jesus name!
It is well with you! BB pin: 2A16570F Twitter: @abolojesamson Facebook: Samson Aboloje
