And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. (Genesis 3:12, KJV)
If there is ever anything that kills or deprives a man of those things that he truly deserves, then excuses is it.
Excuses are killers that presents themselves as moral justification for mistakes made.
Every human being on earth is prone to mistakes, but what we learn from them is what defines us and what we get. Every great man that ever walked the face of the earth, both in biblical times and in contemporary times, made one mistake of the other, but what made them great was the lesson they learnt from it, and what made others failure is that they FAILED to learn from it.
“You can either learn from failure or be used as an example for failure”
Adam was a failure because rather than accept his mistakes, used Eve as his excuse for failure, and that is how a lot of people today have gotten themselves into trouble!
Your not going to school is not good enough an excuse to be a nonentity. God forbid! Government has not given me a job is not good enough an excuse to be at a spot for 10years.
There are illiterates and graduates hawking the streets of Lagos while some are there, waiting for an imaginary oil job.
On my way to Osun State last month, I met a man that started by getting pure water on credit to hawk, but today he owns a pure water factory in Anambra State.
David fell and killed Uriah just to take his wife but hear him:
“Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.” Psalm 51:4
He accepted responsiblilty!
Making mistakes does not kill you, but using your mistake as an excuse truncates your destiny.
Remember! No excuse is good enough for failure.
The excuse Adam gave for his mistake is what brought calamity to mankind.
You will not make excuses for your mistakes, in Jesus Name!
It is well with you!
https://samsonaboloje.wordpress.com BB pin: 2BD05A47 Twitter: @abolojesamson Facebook: The WORD for you