In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple. (Isaiah 6:1, KJV)
King Uzziah was a King who trespassed in the temple and saw God’s wrath (2 Chronicles 26:16-20). And the year he died marked a new dawn for Isaiah; Isaiah 6.
I don’t know what your story is, but as today marks the last day of the last month in 2021, so shall it mark the end of any Uzziah in your life, in Jesus Name!
I pray for you, whoever needs to die for you to enter into the rest that God has prepared for you will go before the sun shines tomorrow, in Jesus Name!
Beloved, I pray for you, anything and everything that refused to work for you this year will not see the light of the year 2022 in your life, in Jesus Name!
Child of God, it was not until King Uzziah died that the Prophet’s eyes were open to see the Lord sitting on His throne.
I pray for you, whoever and whatever has to go for your glory to emerge, will go for you before then New Year, in Jesus Name!
Beloved, whoever has been sitting on your glory, if they fail to repent, I decree, they will not see the coming year, in Jesus Name!
As the sun shines tomorrow, so also are your stories and worries becoming testimonies for you, in Jesus Name!
I declare over your life, child of God, the year 2022 will be great for you, in Jesus Name!
In 2022, great men will celebrate you and even the blessed will call you blessed, in Jesus Name!
In 2022, God will move whatever He has to move to make you a force to reckon with. And you too will serve the Lord, because if God be for you, it can only get better for you, in Jesus Precious Name!
You are blessed!
Samson Aboloje (Evangelist)
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