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Let Christ be seen!

For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3, KJV)

God does not work in a vacuum that is why He requires us to surrender our lives unto Him so He can use us as a medium to work His wonders. And if we yield, He then secures us in Himself. But it amazes one these days how we are almost no longer able to differentiate some born again Christians from unbelievers, because some compromise the bible doctrine and Godly standards just to try to strike a balance for worldliness and spirituality. No wonder verse 5 says we should “mortify” our members, that is, to discipline and bring ourselves under control. Self control simply says we have a self that has to be controlled and therefore have to control ourselves.

Dear friend, if our lives indeed is hid with Christ in God, then we’re not to be seen but Christ be seen through us. We just have to live in ways such that will show forth God’s glory by the clothes we wear, the places we hang out, songs we listen to and ultimate reflect Christ by our deeds and actions, and that my friend is showing forth God’s glory through Christ!

It is well with you.

Trust your day has been great. BBpin: 2A16570F Facebook: Samson Aboloje

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