But the LORD is with me as a mighty terrible one: therefore my persecutors shall stumble, and they shall not prevail: they shall be greatly ashamed; for they shall not prosper: their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten. (Jeremiah 20:11, KJV)
The Word of God tells us how fierce our enemies are, but often times we take things for granted. Life indeed is a battle field where we do battles every single day! But the good news is, so long as you have an alliance with God, then you’re secured.
We war against powerful spiritual forces; Ephesians 6:12. And many times with their physical agents, but in all of it we are always more than conqueror; Romans 8:37.
I have heard people say they have not offended anyone, hence witches cannot hurt them. Dear friend, witches have not hurt you neither have the devil taken your life because there is a God who is forever by your side.
However the battle rages, if you’re a born again child of God, you will always come out victorious. And if you’re not born again, perhaps the Lord has kept you alive not given then devil and his cohorts room over your life so you can make a decision for Him. Why no decide for Jesus today?
Our reading says our persecutors shall stumble, they shall not prevail, they shall be greatly ashamed, they shall not prosper and their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten because a Mighty God is solidly behind you. So shall it be for you and yours in Jesus Mighty name!
It is well with you.
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