“So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24, ESV)
The need to live a life of forgiveness cannot be overemphasized.
As a matter of fact, as believers we are called to be the peace makers even when we have been offended.
Someone once shared with me how the life of someone he offended back in his school day taught him to learn forgiveness.
According to him he was squatting with a young man and one evening they had a serious misunderstanding, and out of impulse he hit his roommate with a bottle on the head thereby injuring him.
Upon realizing what he had done, he immediately ran away but to his greatest surprise the same young man kept calling him, thinking that his roommate was trying to locate where he was to take his pound of flesh, he refused to take the call and to his greatest surprise that same young man went out to look for him and took him back to their hostel.
Not only did they reconcile, the young man never mentioned it for one day after that incident. He said it was from that time he learnt that someone can actually forgive and never count it against you, which is exactly what the bible teaches.
As a matter of fact, someone once said holding unforgiveness against someone is like letting them live rent free in your head. And not only will they live rent free, it will keep eating you up!
Dear friend, put the past behind you, forgive and let love lead.Make that call today; reconcile with those who have wronged you and let the peace of God take it’s place in your heart!
May all the burden in your heart be lifted, in Jesus Precious Name!You are blessed!
Samson Aboloje
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