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If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalms 11:3, KJV)

A foundation is the lowest load bearing part of a building, typically below ground level. It can also be said to be an underlying basis or principle for something.

When a house is being built, the builder focuses more on the foundation because if a mistake is made on the foundation, same affects the entire building, and this also applies to us as humans.

Many of us are from typical traditional African backgrounds where idolatry is the norm. But thank God for Jesus who came to deliver us from darkness.

It is true in African history that our great grand parents and grand parents alike were idol worshippers. Though some of our parents have embraced Christianity some still add their African traditional practices to it, while some just profess to be Christian by church attendance but have done nothing whatsoever to remedy the faulty foundations layed by their parents and this they do not know will affect, if not already affecting their children. That is why even after we have giving our lives to Christ, it is proper for us to attend to our foundations to correct every defects made by those who built them.

An African proverb says: “it is lawful for a slave to escape, but it is also lawful for the slave owner to pursue after him.”

It is important to state here that the devil do not just allow anyone walk away after he gives life to Christ, but he fights hard to recapture the fellow. Besides, the devil knows his right. He knows that some captives are his lawfully due to their dedication to him at birth. Somethings some people call normal today are actually the result of their faulty family foundations.

Even though the above is true, it is also undeniably true that if we submit ourselves wholly to Christ and cry to Him sincerely from our hearts, without any permission from the devil He will rebuild our every faulty foundation.

Why not take a minute to cry to God asking Him to correct every foundational defects in your life.

I pray the good Lord correct every defect in your life NOW, in Jesus name!

It is well with you! BB pin: 2A16570F Twitter: @abolojesamson Facebook: Samson Aboloje

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