And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten. (2 Chronicles 20:22, KJV)
There was the story of a man who attended a wedding ceremony with his salary in one of his suit pockets and the money meant for a job in another. When it was time for dance, the musician started singing his praise, and before he knew it, he had spent both his salary and the money meant for the job; the power of praise!
One major way to get God’s attention is to sing songs of praises unto him, even in times of difficulties and challenges.
The above passage says God moved when they began to praise Him. They looked above the number of their enemies and the weapons of warfare they had and focused on God.
The bible says God inhabits the praises of His people; Psalms 22:3.
So when we look beyond the storms, challenges and obstacles of life and focus on God in praises, He will arise and scatter every enemy of our lives.
I don’t know what your challenges are, focus on God in praise, and as you do, He will set ambushment against all your enemies and you will know that He alone is God!
It is well with you. BBpin: 2A16570F Facebook: Samson Aboloje