Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. (Ecclesiastes 7:8, KJV)
It brings great joy to heart after one has worked hard towards getting or achieving something and at the end of the day, sees the result of what he has laboured for.
It is also true that sometimes when we have laboured really hard in trying to achieve something, things may seem like we are heading the wrong direction when we know we are on the right path. So is the case of Joseph. When the young man had a dream in Genesis 37:7-9, he was very excited, but soon he began to wonder what he was doing in the prison yard when he saw he was meant for the top, but at the end it spoke.
Same with Job in Job chapter 1. This was a man who had all he ever wanted but before he knew it he lost it all in one single day. He went through what no other man has ever had to go through, yet at the end it spoke.
So are you! Perhaps you have been working really hard since January and have been faithful to God yet things are becoming worse than you started and you are wondering if things will ever get better. The truth remains that physically things may seem to be getting worse, but spiritually things are getting better. God does not work on the foundation of man, so when He starts with us, He breaks all the foundation we have built to start a fresh and a more solid one, that is why things would seem as though the end has come.
You have worked from 1st January and this is 30th December yet things does not look it at all.
In 2 Kings 7:1-2 when Elisha the prophet made the declaration, it did not seem possible by human reasoning and calculations but it came to pass.
In Haggai 2 verse 9, the bible says greater shall be the glory of the latter house than that of the former. And it went further to say God shall give you peace. I say to you, hold your peace for God is at work in you and for you.
I prophesy into the life of that one that believes, by this time tomorrow it shall be testimony galore for someone, in Jesus name!
It is well with you! BB pin: 2A16570F Twitter: @abolojesamson Facebook: Samson Aboloje
